2008. december 23., kedd
2008. december 1., hétfő
Comix makin' - Képregénykészítés
NOS, a képregénykészítés nem 2 perc, ezért íme itt egy vázlat, amihez pontokba odaírtam a cselekményt. Ilyet én soha nem csinálok. Csak azok miatt a barbárok miatt tettem most (pl Freddie) akik nem értik, miért nincs minden nap új mű.
Rajz vázlatosan, majd erősebb kontúrvonalakkal. Utána szkennelés, majd festés, vágás feliratozás.
In english. I made a lil draw and try to show how difficult to make a comix, and why don' make a knu in every day. Draw and draw and draw. Than scannin', paintin', cuttin', writin' script.
Rajz vázlatosan, majd erősebb kontúrvonalakkal. Utána szkennelés, majd festés, vágás feliratozás.
In english. I made a lil draw and try to show how difficult to make a comix, and why don' make a knu in every day. Draw and draw and draw. Than scannin', paintin', cuttin', writin' script.

2008. november 18., kedd
2008. november 10., hétfő
Gumimaci FAIL!
Először is, elnézést kérek minden kevés olvasómtól, hogy hanyagoltam a munkát.
Másodszor is hamarosan képregény jelenik meg itt...!! JUHU ... (^^,)!!!
(Sry all of my foreign readers... for this spot.)
Másodszor is hamarosan képregény jelenik meg itt...!! JUHU ... (^^,)!!!
(Sry all of my foreign readers... for this spot.)

2008. október 5., vasárnap
Home & smiles
I made some photos at home. All pictures have emotion, but only together. Small parts small smiles.

2008. szeptember 18., csütörtök
2008. szeptember 16., kedd
"Why like ya hip hop mjuzik?" ( *o_o*)
The hip hop music what i heard was a dnb track, a hip hop remix. I don' know the artist. When I was only 15 I listened dnb music but those tracks has very strong hip hop influent. The years are gone and my music taste opened for other genres, like hip hop, jazz (later nujazz), dubstep, dub etc.
Sometimes when i'm listenin' Mos def, Common or Outkast I try to not listenin' the script. Lot of songs themes against the white american people. The reason "they are disdainful with the black people."
"Hey white man" pwnd, jee this is the first sentence of a Mos Def song. In America the common black people in the 21st century don't really like the white ones.
So what is the reason that i like those hip hop music? I'm not in America, I'm not afroamerican nor african.
The answer is the message. The message and the qualited art. They send to the public their anger, their pain and their life. 'Music is the answer for your problem!'
Sometimes when i'm listenin' Mos def, Common or Outkast I try to not listenin' the script. Lot of songs themes against the white american people. The reason "they are disdainful with the black people."
"Hey white man" pwnd, jee this is the first sentence of a Mos Def song. In America the common black people in the 21st century don't really like the white ones.
So what is the reason that i like those hip hop music? I'm not in America, I'm not afroamerican nor african.
The answer is the message. The message and the qualited art. They send to the public their anger, their pain and their life. 'Music is the answer for your problem!'

2008. szeptember 14., vasárnap
COMBINOMAN or Ori da supahHERO!
How can it be? Ori traweled by tram and got anger and killed innocent people!!(>_<)#!!!!
By the way it isn't truth. Few weeks ago he met our blogger friend, name's Gábor, and he told his lil' story about his epic life part, when he dropped down tram badguys from the tram. Gábor thought he could write this in his "friendly hungarians" blog.
And my job was the draw.
By the way it isn't truth. Few weeks ago he met our blogger friend, name's Gábor, and he told his lil' story about his epic life part, when he dropped down tram badguys from the tram. Gábor thought he could write this in his "friendly hungarians" blog.
And my job was the draw.

2008. augusztus 30., szombat
Emilie & Claude
They are from my Granny. Very old ones. Claude is the male the bigger one, and the little is Emilie.

2008. augusztus 11., hétfő
2008. augusztus 8., péntek
2008. augusztus 5., kedd
2008. augusztus 4., hétfő
2008. augusztus 1., péntek
How can I draw Oresztész?
Ori, a friend of my, said: "Where is the comics?"
ME: What comics?
Ori: That comics, where I'm a heeeeeeeeeero!!!!!!
He wanna be a heeeeeeeeeero.
So i will draw a lil' comics, but i dunno how can i draw him.
ME: What comics?
Ori: That comics, where I'm a heeeeeeeeeero!!!!!!
He wanna be a heeeeeeeeeero.
So i will draw a lil' comics, but i dunno how can i draw him.

2008. július 31., csütörtök
Pls save me, cause the world is so dangerous! Pls don't touch me, cause i am to sensitive to the pollution! Pls donate me, cause i have no money!
Or just read my blog. This is the first post. Have a nice time!
Or just read my blog. This is the first post. Have a nice time!

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